Tuesday, February 28, 2006


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Pretty clear description of my current mood :D
Wish I could add Ski to the above list as well! :(

I don't know why, but at this time of the year, farhad feels soooo good. It just speaks my mind. I want to listen to it all day long. I love it!!!

I got a few complaints about my return. Well, yes, I have been pretty lazy in terms of writing in this blog; actually I have a lot of drafts saved, but I just don't feel like any of them are suitable for posting. Instead, I find it very easy to express myself in my photoblog. It is really fulfilling for me to post something there; a photo that reflects my inner self, along with a few lines, from a poem, or from myself.

Sometimes I look at the photo, and just write whatever comes to me. But then at other times, when I hear something nice that reflects my feelings or thoughts, I feel like I want to post it along with a photo. So I go and look to find if any of the photos I have taken match the text. If not, then I gotta get up and take my camera outside! :D

So check it out here. Don't know if you'll enjoy it as much as I do; after all, it's all in the eye of the beholder!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

salam rifigh!chetori?!!!
koshti maro baba! hanoooz motevaled nashode baayad donbaale kado begardim!:P hmm!
emroozam ke hey sedaat nemioomad!! mobile e aanten nemidad! gereftam belakhare, hala jaryaanesh mofasale,too name migam.
kheyli be fekretam chand vaghte.
movazebe khodet baash.
miss u!!!! :P