So I went to Goli Taraghi's first lecture today (she's teaching a class called Women in Modern Iranian Literature at Stanford this quarter). The class awesome (and I'm obviously excited!). You wouldn't call the class a big one, since there were only 6 of us in class + goli.
She said something that totally woke me up... she started out by ing about the conflicts that exist in the literature (and in particular Persian literature), starting from the man vs. woman conflict, and then moving on to the conflict between the modern woman and the traditional woman (which could be inside the same woman!). Then she said how women after the revolution were confused, since they were liberated once before the revolution, and then covered again after the revolution. She said that the woman in this era is a confused woman, a woman divided between modernity and tradition. The main question is a question of identity, of the "Who am I?". The woman does not know her identity, and this confusion leads to her indecisiveness: the woman cannot make decisions, and cannot change her life. But she can do one thing, and that is to "daydream", to dream about what she wants to be, what she wants to do, and what she can become. So she spends her time daydreaming on and on... and as a result, most of her conversations are monologues as opposed to dialogues.
When she was talking about all of these, I just realized how much of it applies to me. I felt like she is talking about me. I don't want to say that I am confused between modernity and tradition (though that may be true in some situations, and I shouldn't deny it!), but maybe the more tangible confusion that I feel is my confusion about my career, about my goals. Every day in an out, I feel confused about what I am. I am in a research lab, but I feel like I haven't really decided on my identity here. I feel like other people in the lab are determined to do what they are doing, and they relate to their academic selves. Not me! I keep on thinking about my "options", and how I should explore and search for my ideal career, my ideal identity. And in the meanwhile I am just too busy doing research to have any quality time for this identity exploration business. This confusion has made me indecisive and submissive, and I have become that woman. I cannot focus as much as I used to. When I sit in talks, in classes, and in lectures, I start daydreaming before I can even notice it! I wander in my thoughts, away into my ideal world where I have a strong, smart, and respectable identity. Where I am not afraid to voice my opinion and do not feel intimidated (This is not to say that those around me intimidate me, rather, my confusion steals away my identity, which in turns results in my lack of self-esteem)...
caught myself yesterday in the midst of my daydreams. I was sitting in a talk and my co-adviser walks in. He goes in and sits in front of my adviser, which is sitting in front of me. So then I start thinking about the fact that he is my co-adviser, and that he is sitting in front of my adviser, and that I am sitting behind both of them, and that I should probably go and talk to him some time soon, and then I thought about what it means for me to have these two people as my adviser and co-adviser. Then I thought about what successful students have become, and what would it be like if I come back to Stanford in a couple years to give a talk, how would they treat me, etc.... and it went on and on, and then I suddenly noticed that the presenter has changed the slide! So this time (fortunately) I caught myself and concentrated on the presentation again. This happens to me all the time, and before I know it, I fall asleep in classes, talks and lectures which I presumably attend on a voluntary basis!
So when she talked about confusion leading to indecisiveness leading to daydreaming, it all made sense to me! All of a sudden everything just seemed to click. And I felt so stupid for not having noticed it before...
So what am I planning to do about this? How should I resolve my confusion, and how should I find my identity (for now, in the context of school and career)? This is still an open question... I think I know too many solutions, but to actually give them a try is a different story...
Thanks Goli for clearing things up for me!
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first of all, it is greaaat that you are going to Goli taraghi lectures! that is one of my wishes! :P ;) you know how much I like her :P
and I have exactly the same problem!
I am really motivated in what I'm doing but still I have no idea what do I want to be when I grow up :p ;) ;) I don't know if I should go for a research track or product design track?! should I get PHD or some job experience?! I know I want to have my own company at the end.. but I'm really confuseeed! day dreaming and hardly concentrate.. :P
When this happens to me there is usually a void I need to fill, and it won't be filled by anyone or anything, it is an unresolved identity void that would not be filled easily. Your work, and mainly school, has been your identity. Sheltered from the storms of life, in the walls of academia. You are too afraid to live life, or to see life.In these moments you realize who you really are. And you may say, how dare you write on my blog and intrude my space. I say there are worse things people do in life.
A former friend once told me, with good intentions I think, at such a moment when I felt the void, to go down a dirt road, discover new places and meet new people. So down this road I went hoping to fill the void. But the further I went, the more people I met, the bigger the void became, to the point where I looked back at the past years and my friend wasn’t there anymore. My friend left. I looked inside myself to see why I felt this void. Was it for good, honest reasons or for whimsical dishonest reasons, such as I have seen with creature around me. My friend never gave me the opportunity to find out, perhaps I was wrong and I never should have had a void. Maybe I should have tied her shoe lace that day, but I was afraid she would see the void in me, and realize the power of it. I suffered much in life that I would think any void would have been filled with misery, I was too proud to let anyone look inside me. Maybe, just maybe, I thought it would be dishonest of me to do so, because the most honest statement at that moment would have been to think about the void and not do anything. Maybe I should have looked deeper in my soul and see what I find. But I was always too busy with life to do this, and I never had the chance to. Now my friend is going for good, and I have a void. So my solution has been to concentrate on work, to fill the void as much as possible with things that take up attention and require thought. Those who never bother to fill other people’s voids, will never know how to fill their own voids when the time comes. They cover their voids with layers of fake personal beliefs, never find a way to fill them. Don't be like this friend, because you will feel a void.
So my advice to you is to first learn how to fill another soul’s voids, to care enough for a person more than just a couple of lines, and to realize the world that revolves “around you” is filled with others. I hope you can fill your void one day, hopefully not too late.
I should mention, the mere fact that you realize such a void exists, is an indication that you are a sincere person. :)
Thank you for both comments. I was almost under the impression that no body reads my blog anymore ;)
@marzieh: I really wish you were here with me to come to Goli Taraghi's class, especially since you introduced me to her work. I love it! :D
@anonymous: as for the void, I understand what you're saying. Sometimes the exploration journey takes us much farther than we intended; it wouldn't be an exploration if you knew where you were going, would it? So it wouldn't be fair to blame your friend for not being able to follow you in your journey, because, as you said, your void is something that cannot be filled with anyone or anything. And this is not a journey for everyone, this is a journey only for that person. It would be really hard for other people to follow you in your journey. I wouldn't say it's impossible, but it would take a lot of communication on both ends to make it happen.
As for how I should fill up my void, I still don't know. But I will take your suggestions to heart, and will try to live my life to the fullest :D I know that I am not courageous enough to simply let go, but I will start to take a peak at new things, in hope that something exciting is waiting for me around the corner. As soon as I see it, I will make sure to jump right at it :D
Thank you for being so honest with me. And I hope we will all find ways to fill up our voids and experience true happiness ...
I hope so too, but some voids are not easily filled. Its just part of life. But I don't think people should make decisions based on distance, its too simplistic. Anyways, it doesn't matter anymore.
Here is a nice song for daydreaming:
Good luck with everything.
راستش تمام اين تناقض هاي دروني ازين بر مي خواهد كه هنوز علم به جايي نرسيده است كه بتواند راه متقن منطقي اي را پيش پاي انسان بگذارد. مثلا به اين اندازه كه مهندسي از زمان يونان باستان پيشرفت كرده است واقعا فلسفه آنقدرها جلو نرفته.
ببين حتي آدمي مثل هيوم مي آيد كل تمام مفروضات فلسفه را با سوالي جدي مواجه مي كند كه " اصلا رابطه ي علي يعني چه؟ " و خب مثال هاي هوشمندانه اي مي زند كه نشان دهد نه علم نه سنت درين رابطه صلاحيت اظهارنظر ندارند ...
اگر معادله ي زندگي هركس را ترسيم كنيم شرط اوليه ي آن سنت است. يعني اولين باياسي كه فرد از دنيا مي گيرد سنت است . كه قطعا مقاديري ازين سنت اشتباه است. و مقاديري از آن سليقه اي است. و مقداري هم لابد درست است. حالا اگر آدم بخواهد خلاف حركت جامعه سنت شكني كند بايد لاجرم از دسته ي اول يا دوم باشد. براي اينكه ثابت كنيم اين سنت اشتباه است بايستي با معيار علمي به جامعه اين را ثابت كنيم. ولي وقتي علم هنوز گيج مي زند در مورد اساسي ترين سوال انسان چه ميتوان كرد؟
خلاصه كنم .. اگر مذهب را به طور كامل ناديده بگيريم و حتي اگر اين دنيا را تمام ظرف و معيار " درست و نادرست " بگيريم واقعا هنوز علم صلاحيت اينكه راهي را براي آينده ترسيم كند ندارد ...
مدتي پيش به شوخي به كسي مي گفتم:
حالا بعد از مدت ها تحصيل و تعليم و اينها به نقطه اي رسيده ام كه بايد اعتراف كنم "هنوز علم به جايي نرسيده است كه ارزش تحصيل داشته باشد
" ..
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