Thursday, September 08, 2005


Today I am bored. Why? I don't know!
However, it's not just a feeling of being bored, it's mixed with loneliness, and just you know, an ordinary life that I foresee for myself in the upcoming days, or rather, months. I don't like it... I want to define my life, but I think I don't have the power for it. Do I?
It's not like I don't like school, I love my courses, but I want the feeling that I had back in my highschool, the feeling that you have friends around you, not just a few, but you know, different groups of them that you can just have fun with them, laugh and talk with them, etc.
You know how I wanna define it? Okay, I wanna have my OWN moments of loneliness, there are things that I wanna do all by myself, alone, with no one else's presenece. I wanna devote some time to myself, to reflect, to think, to organize my life, the way I want it. But then, I also wanna have a FUN social life. A very active one indeed. I want a social life, and I think I had it in the summer, but I believe I will lose it again during the semesters, not so because I am busy studying, but because it's hard to get in touch with people and plan something out fun!
Right now, it's still easy I guess, to an extent, but I;m busy myself. But I know as soon as I am not busy, other people are going to be busy. The other thing is that I don't know that many people very well... I mean, I haven't socialized much in my classrooms, have I? that's the question I keep on asking myself today. I think I wanted more, but I don't have it. I wanna have more friends I can have fun with, and be comfortable with, so that I don't have to beg everyone to come with me when I don't wanna go somewhere alone. I should know people that are closer in characteristics to me; I should not be begging any one that is available to come with me, just so that I'm not alone.

talk talk talk blah blah blah...
I'm bored today. I so wanted to like, go to a simple coffeeshop with a few friends, and you know talk about miscallaneous stuff. But I felt like I don't belong.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

salam, i just feel the same!!!! daghighan mifahmam chi migi! yek kam say kon karaye jumpy bumpy bokoni! shaad beshi!! bad mitooni beshini fek koni ke che barnaameyi dashte bashi ya chi kara mitooni bokoni ke hame chi behtar beshe! too ravaabetet va kollan life stylet o.... :)