Friday, December 14, 2007

ریشه در خاک

P.S. I just noticed that my blog is starting to look like a bunch of youtube links! I'm not going to stick to this trend forever!!! But you have to allow me this one, I just can't NOT post it... it's a truly magnificent poem, and when he, himself, reads it, it's just perfect!

Wednesday, December 05, 2007


I am in love with this performance...

Friday, November 16, 2007

Sleepy in Gerstein

I took the overnight flight from San Francisco to Toronto last night. Right when I got to the airport, my friends picked me up, and we had an aaaamaaaaaaazing breakfast at Marche :) overall, it has been a wonderful day! I realized that I miss Toronto more than I thought :P the only problem is that, due to sleep deficit, my brain is not at its full functional level, and I think my body is also stopping to respond fully even when my brain finally succeeds in sending the freaking message across the neurons. As I watch my missed lectures online in Gerstein, it feels kind of like I'm here and I'm not... lol... which is a very good feeling... I started to feel fresh again, which is a feeling I really needed... it's very ironical since just a meter away, outside the windows, I see the leaves falling from the trees, which should not be translated to rebirth :P but for some reason beyond my current analysis capabilities, the fall seems to transmit the exact opposite message as it intended to!

Wednesday, October 31, 2007


I can't get enough of this one! It gives me such a great feeling! Watch till the end, and you'll know what I mean :D
An expressionless moment of happiness ... that's all we need, we need to be in the moment, in our moment, and we need to paint it up with all sort of colors, for it cannot live in a black and white world of true's and false's.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

take-home midterm DONE

So I'm finally done with my take-home midterm! :D :D :D I pulled an all-nighter, but I felt like I didn't really need to do so... A little better time management and less worrying about small details could have been useful... well of course as the hours go by and by, the processing speed of the brain goes down and down, and the minutest and least significant issues seem to have some sort of "trick" embedded in them, so for an instance, you feel smart that you actually pin-pointed the "trick"! But alas, that's where the moment of smartness ends because for the next few hours your thoughts circle around your brain without actually getting processed, which obviously results in a huge spaghetti in which you get lost and forgot where you started from!

As you can see, the above are all symptoms of a degenerated brain! In the past 38 hours, I have slept (lightly) for only 3 hours! At this point in time, I don't feel sleepy at all, but my body feels degenerated, my muscles are jittery, and it takes some time for me to actually say what is going on in my head (due to the huge spaghetti!)

For a more specific list of symptoms, refer to here.

P.S. By the way, there was also another thing that has kept my mind busy for the past day: are Halloween parties usually thrown the weekend before the actual Halloween, or the weekend after? You know why this is important? Cuz if the former is true, I just missed it (for the 5th time, i.e. as always!), but I really really really hope that some really good Halloween party happens next weekend :(((

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Assignments never end!

I'm just sitting at the kitchen table, doing one assignment after the other, one question after the other... I regularly take a peak at the gmail page to check for any new e-mails (and to satisfy my infinite thirst for refreshing the gmail page), and that leads to ctrl-tab, youtube page, to once again watch one of the videos in my favorites list! Then I do another question, and triumphantly look at my neat solution, all the while thinking, is this victorious enough for a break, to watch a little movie online? And I found myself thinking about all the movies I want to watch: Mohsen Namjoo's autobiography, or BBC's "Human All Too Human" program on Nietzsche, or another episode of Lost. And finally I say to myself: no, this question was too easy, I cannot allow myself such a celebration yet!

Friday, October 12, 2007

Here I am!

So my friend gave me this really good idea, to keep in touch using our weblogs. And she has been really successful in doing so :) I love her weblog! I tried to start doing the same a couple times, i.e. opened the blogger dashboard and clicked on "New Post", but I couldn't write anything. I was more reserved, I don't know why. I felt like I can only write here when I have like a real tornado going on in my head or in my heart. At least those were the times that I used to write in this blog so often.

Another goal was to try to add a meaningful photo to each post, to try to express my emotions and my thoughts with more color.

Well, maybe these standards are too tight! As of now, my decision is to write in this weblog, whatever I want to write, or whatever I want my friends to know, or whatever seems cool, basically: "whatever"! And from there, we shall see how the trend of the posts are going to take form. I guess they will morph themselves into what they should :)

So for today, I am going to adhere to the traditions developed by babyblue :)

Thanks to Windshield for the link :)

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Carpe Diem

The only sense of time we really need to have is a sense of now. This now, that now, the "now" in itself. Seize the day, the hour, the minute, the moment! The moment of grief, the moment of ecstasy, the moment of anger, and the moment of love! Indeed, Seize the moment. Don't just "observe" the moment, for the clocks tick away, and the moment is gone. It is only by acting upon the moment that we can seize it, eternally. The moments that we hold up in our soul define us, and henceforth summon our soul to a higher level.

Oh how I love to seize my anger, my passion, my joy, and my sadness. Albeit, my mind is too agile, and my tongue is too slow.

Monday, April 09, 2007

127 band - good music, interesting style!

ای خسرو خوبان نظری سوی گدا کن
رحمی به من خسته دل بی سرو پا کن

Saturday, March 31, 2007


The picture shows a very particular kind of indifference.... a very sad one

Sunday, February 04, 2007


Prosopagnosia, or face blindedness, is a disorder of face perception. It can be caused due to an injury to the occipital and temporal lobes.

It's unbelievable... this means that it is possible for someone not to be able to detect faces, while its ability to recognize other objects is left relatively intact. I wonder, how your life can be evolved with this disorder. The face is often what you would associate with the people around you, with events, with memories of past events; now if you don't have the ability to assign a face to symbolize these things in your mind, then what would you use as a symbol?

This opens up a question though; so many face detection methods can be generalized to object detection methods. If the mechanism for detecting faces is the same as all the other objects, then how is it that we operate differently? How can a face-blind person detect other objects then? Should we take these rare cases of brain damage patients more seriously, and perhaps, learn a lesson from it?

Perhaps there could be some overlap between face detetcion and object detetcion mechanisms; it's so puzzling though, I wonder if there is an object-blindness disorder as well...