Sunday, October 14, 2007

Assignments never end!

I'm just sitting at the kitchen table, doing one assignment after the other, one question after the other... I regularly take a peak at the gmail page to check for any new e-mails (and to satisfy my infinite thirst for refreshing the gmail page), and that leads to ctrl-tab, youtube page, to once again watch one of the videos in my favorites list! Then I do another question, and triumphantly look at my neat solution, all the while thinking, is this victorious enough for a break, to watch a little movie online? And I found myself thinking about all the movies I want to watch: Mohsen Namjoo's autobiography, or BBC's "Human All Too Human" program on Nietzsche, or another episode of Lost. And finally I say to myself: no, this question was too easy, I cannot allow myself such a celebration yet!


Arezou said...

Finally, I think it's time to sleep! :P

Siavash said...

lool, I didn't get to download it though. I mean i went there, but i just couldn't do it. Don't feel bad though, I wouldn't have done the same thing for coldplay, they are too famous now ;)

Siavash said...

No I COULD. I just didn't do it, cuz I thought they've put it there to estimate the worth, at least that's what it said on wikipedia: "users may set their own price" ;)