Saturday, August 13, 2005


Today I've been trying SOO hard to fix this time table problem. I've been playing around with the courses, but I can't get it all right! I mean, for the winter term, it was pretty easy to fit it all and decide (of course I don't have many options there!), but for the fall term, it's harder! and I'm kinda nervous about not being able to get the courses that I want since this is my first time actually registering for my own courses online. Plus, I am not sure whether I'm gonna have a reliable internet connection here, and that makes me worry more.
So I spent all morning trying to fix the timetable problems. I left home at about 4 p.m. Did nothing, kinda feel unactive! I feel like I have extra physical energy that I wanna get rid of! (No mental energy to get rid of though!)
Actually, to save some mental energy, I usually decide to just stall the energy-consuming processes in my mind (which are increasing in number these days!). Currently, I have numerous, huge stalled processes sitting around my brain, waiting in line for being processed, but I'm busy writing my blog, walking, sleeping AND breathing, so I've got no time for them...
I tried uploading photos on this blog, but couldn't get it right... does anyone know how?

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