Thursday, July 20, 2006

define: terrorism

According to The Israel Project website: The FBI defines terrorism as "the unlawful use of force or violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives."

Now who is really being intimidated here?!!!

I just don't understand how the news agencies can ramble and ramble and ramble, saying that the Israelis are defending themselves, and that this is just an act of defense because two of their soldiers were caught. I mean, do the news agencies think we are idiots? Every time I hear the news, I feel like my intelligence is being deeply insulted!

Lebanon is completely ruined; Kofi Annan said today that there are 500,000 people displaced, many without food right now. What the news agencies mostly fail to broadcast is how Israel is defending its country by intimidating not only a segment of the Lebanese civilian population, but its whole entity! Well of course the Israelis have an end, and that's to achieve their political and social objective, to prove that they can kill as many civilians as they like.

Just remind me, what was the definition of terrorism?


Anonymous said...

I know, the news agencies are just infuriating, they transform the news whichever way they like, and what really gets on my nerves is that they pretend that they actually care about other people and other countries. They not only treat their viewers as idiots but also pretend that they themselves are no more than a bunch of fools who just don't get what's going on. It's as if they are reporting the news of another planet.

Arezou said...

Actually this video is pretty interesting. It shows exactly how the news agencies themselves act like idiots!

Siavash said...

whyyyyyyyyyyyyy the hell doesn't that link for anymore????? , .org ?? none of them work!!

Siavash said...

oh, they changed the link to .com, very contextual picture by the way.

Arezou said...

i think the .com, .org, .info and all is the same. but it's sometimes down, I thinkn due to heavy traffic.

Anonymous said...

it took a long time with iran's interent connection to watch that clip, but it was totally worth it!!

Anonymous said...

The only country that knows to handle Islamists is Israel. The so called non-violent country (India) got a good lesson from the Bombay incident (only 200 wiped out in one go). Europe has had a good share of it (Denmark, UK, Spain,...) and so has southeast Asia (Bali, Philippines, Malaysia,...). It is about time for the Islamic people to head back to their countries for their ways and attitudes are not welcome anymore.

Anonymous said...,,31200-galloway_060806,00.html

The email containing this link was sent to me a few days before the ceasefire took effect, but i still find it very interesting. Take a few minutes and watch it...

Anonymous said...

Nice clip. Just shows that people in the west have the freedom of thought. Who won, and who lost, OR both won, and both lost, can be debated whichever way one choses (replace terms like legitimate/non-legitimate, etc in place of won/lost). George Galloway is free to voice his opinion with regards to Lebanon in the West and also in the Middle East. There was a Canadian reporter of Iranian descent who voiced her opinon in the west and then tried the same in Iran. Does Zahra Kazemi rings a bell? Well, thats the difference between the West and Arabs.
I was under the impression that the whole country of Lebanon suffered because of some illegitimate group. The way George Galloway puts it implies that whipping the whole nation was justified because he gives legitimacy to the group.
George Galloway sits in the west and is not related to the conflict, so he can rant all he wants. It is more important to know if the Lebanese are able to voice their opinion, especially the ones against hezbollah, without having civil war break out.