Thursday, October 27, 2005


I don't know. I mean, I'm confused. OK this is the thing: When I post photos in my photoblog, I post it for myself. I feel like it gives me a happiness to post things there. Also, more people give me comments on my photos, and my photoblog looks very nice:D So it's a satisfying feeling. However, there are other times when I feel the urge to just write something here, not in the photoblog.

And recently I have been feeling like that a lot. HOWEVER, I don't know why I am not satisfied with it. I feel like no one is reading my posts here. I know, you post for yourself, just to talk, just to organize your thoughts, make your mind free. I do this. It's very good. But the thing is, I post things here when my mind is occupied, I shape my ideas and feelings here, which is very very good. BUT I also need some sort of response. I wanna see what other people (not everyone of course, but a few) think about what I had to say. And I don't get the response.

I want to get involved in some sort of discussion about my post. It's just that I wanna see a discussion going on here. It's kinda nostalgic, cuz I get reminded of myself back in grades 8-10, when I was sooo involved in different discussions with my friends, when I was always questioning everything in my life, searching for an answer, for everything!! And back then, my life was soo dynamic!! I want that in my life back again. Don't know where to start from.

I want to read a book. A good book! Someone give me an idea pleaaaaase! I really want it!!


Anonymous said...

salam arezou! when i had my own blog i really enjoyed it when people submitted their comments to my posts. however, after a while i got uncomfortable with their comments and so i changed the address of my blog. but i guess it all depends on how you feel about the people who send you their comments.
at the moment i'm reading a book called Memoirs of a Geisha. It's really good, and more importantly it gives you a lot of information about Japanese culture and their way of living. They're making a movie of this book, too, which will be released in December. so if you're interested in reading this book you better hurry so that you would have finished reading the book by the time the movie comes out!!

Anonymous said...

i wrote "i changed the address of my blog" where i meant to say "i got rid of the commenting system!"

Anonymous said...

It is quite understandable to want people to share their opinions on your thoughts/writings, yet I'm sure as you already know, one always tends to get defensive of one's beliefs when faced by differences of opinion from other people. I believe the purpose of writing on a blog, other than for you to observe your inner thoughts from a different angle (outside of yourself), is to want other people, merely, to contemplate on what is for you the most precious and valuable (your thoughts! ).
By the way I just finished reading the Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath…quite fascinating…

Arezou said...

Banafsheh, I agree with what you say. There are things that you want to write in your blog, so that you free your mind from thinking about them all the time. You know, at those times the blog is a space to empty yourself. But there are other times when I want other people to share their ideas with me, as babe! says to "contemplate on what is for you the most precious and valuable". I guess there is a compromise here: you need to give up one to get the other.

Another solution is to have two blogs, one unknown to the public, and one known to the public, and to organize your thoughts in two different streams.

Maybe that might not be the best solution since you are in essence dividing your identity into two parts ... hmmm ...

Anonymous said...

salam! chetori? che khabar? ye counter bezar injoori mibini ke man roozi chand baae be injaa sar mizanam ;) na jeddi injoori mifahmi ke che ghadr miaan injaro mikhoonan! man ke moshtarie hamishegisham! doroste ke yek kam saaket va khejaalati hastam ;) jk! na hala jeddi! nemishe ke 2 ta blog daashte bashi! chon kam kam khaste mishi vaghtam nemikoni too joftesh benvisi fek konam!!! :) vali benvis! moratabam benevis! motmaen baash ye edde saabeti montazeran ke to benevisi va bekhoonano ... ketaab man portrait maale gogol ro daram mikhoonam! master and margarita ro bekhoon khob!!!!!1bahale!

Arezou said...

merCCC az hame be khatere ketaba! are master o margarita ro miram tamoomesh konam... un yeki ketabaro ham miram mikharam baadesh mikhunam :D
to ke kheili khejalatiyi marzieh;) akheeey!!
counter gozashtan: fek karde budam bezaram, vali oonvaght momkene ziadi dige reader-oriented beshe.. yaani dige vase khodam nanevisam asan.. vali shayad ham gozashatm bebinam chi mishe age bad bud baram baresh midaram! hala chetori bayad bezaram? :S

Siavash said...

one'd help ppl (especially those that don't know u well) if u make shorter posts. I learned that during my own posts: if the effect, and the traffic and the comment, when i made a nice critical subject in one post was a lot less than when i broke a subject into different posts. i even remember breaking one of them up into 7 posts. the whole thing was a very long essay. but this way ppl will read it through, and even if they don't finish it up the whole posts, it won't matter cuz each post stays and conveys its message independently, like say a paragraph of each essay. (but much more detachable from the main body of the essay). Another advantage is that it forces you, the author, to summarize ur thoughts into smaller and more efficient points. Make you much more talker, when it comes to debates, cuz when u summarize and keep the point it seems the most simplest (and thus the best) answer to common sense and the most logical (if u've summarized properly ;) ) to reason. Nothing like my long ass comment here. oh by the way, I'll be posting the 7th comment on this post. that's good digeee, even if you just look for numbers

Arezou said...

Long comment ;)
but thanx for the suggestion. I'm gonna keep that in mind, but I think it's gonna make it harder for me to post, which might be actually good. Cuz as you said, then I will actually spend more time shaping what I want to say to make it shorter and more precise.

Dividing it up into several points would be a very good idea as well, especially in some cases where I have a lot to say and just want the opportunity to open up the issue.

Anonymous said...

kojayi to pas!!!!!!! benvis tond tond!!!!! :) miss u! :) ye maaho nime dige daghighan! moonde! mibinamet ;);)

Siavash said...

ok...if you make an example: excessive "Kindness", you shouldn't think we are gonna let you get away with it. Why exactly is excessive kindness wrong? what happens? any experiences ? any real life examples?

Arezou said...

Siavash, read my newly posted comment on your blog! I know, it's soooooooooo long! sorry I didn't know how to make it short :s

Marzieh, ye maah o nim dige mibinamet :D I miss you soooooooooooo much! karato bokon ke berim yekam begardim ;)

Siavash said...

no, it's perfect actually, I don't feel like writing a new one here, so I'll just paste it ;):

Not at all, if anything, the examples just made it clearer what you meant to say. I think you do have a point, excessive kindness, will cause that kind of evil...but then I am not sure, if that's really the Evil, as the evil would knowingly harm others. I think, if someone doesn't mean to do something, it couldn't be accounted for an evil doing. That's one way of looking at an Immoral action. Another way put forward by Utilitarianism, and Consequentialism suggests that each action has its consequences. The claim that "an act is morally right if and only if that act maximizes the good, that is, if and only if the total amount of good for all minus the total amount of bad for all is greater than this net amount for any incompatible act available to the agent on that occasion." (taken from Stanford online encyclopedia). I don't know myself, what is right and wrong sometimes, to be honest, i read a book once about moral philosophy, being very hopeful that it would lighten my way, would I know about the different perspectives of moral philosophy, but instead, I ended up very very confused. Finally, i decided to let go, and just make the best of every situation.
Same thing for those like Che who devote themselves to a good cause ( I don't think that kind of devotion is financially and emotionally possible today). I mean who knows what would have become of Che, had he have been become the government. (My own predictions are very pessimistic about a government with Che as the leader)

Anonymous said...

Since I dont read books I cant recommend any books:D! you know me;)!

Anonymous said...

BTW why is ure date off for ure comments???